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Cross Section Submission Recomendations

FIB Cross Section instructions typically involve a specific location or locations and a direction that you desire the cut to come from. Let us know if you want EDS for elemental analysis. Be sure to tell us if you want us not to proceed past a certain point even if we see no defect. Let us know of any exotic materials or unusual layer thicknesses. The more useful information we get upfront, the more efficent our serivce is for you. We can operate with CAD coordinates if you are trying to hit specific VIA's or gates but a snapshot for confirmation is appreciated.

Design Repair Submission Recomendations

FIB modifications consist of cuts, jumpers, and probe pads. We prefer to work from x/y coordinates consistent with the GDS (stream) file provided. For each x/y location, please provide the metal level to eliminate any confusion should layers intersect at the given location. Once we have your CAD navigation database, we can react quickly to changes or additions to your requested modifications by using a standardized format for describing the edit via email. We can also work with plots to interpret the FIB modification(s). Mirrored plots are OK, but please let us know that the plot is mirrored. Please be sure that you provide a legend for each layer represented in the plot.

FIB CAD Navigation Capability

The use of CAD navigation greatly enhances the efficiency of FIB IC modifications and is a mandatory requirement for IC designs that have more than 3 levels of metal or employ CMP. FIB-X can create the CAD navigation database from any GDS file. We can create both Schlumberger databases and FEI Knights databases. FIB-X can provide a temporary FTP account to facilitate the transfer of the GDS files. Many customers choose to send their GDS file on CD and/or DVD.